
The Recap

The nano system is still running strong with no issues whatsoever. All of the corals are growing steadily, and the fish are healthy. The filtration system is flawless leaving crystal clear water, with literally no harmful contents. By blasting the rocks with a turkey baster every few days, the filter floss catches any buildup of debris that could store nitrate. Filter floss, the remora skimmer, a macro algae refugium, a bag of carbon, and one unit of chemipure elite, have worked together diligently to create an ideal environment for the inhabitants.

The chemipure elite will need a change soon. Although the package rates the media at 4-6 months, with this bioload it would be unwise to leave it for longer than 4 months. In the refugium the cheato has grown to fill the entire second chamber requiring frequent trimming to ensure space to grow.

Adding an auto top off systems and building a custom media rack are the next two steps that will need to be taken.

The evaporation on a topless nano with 250 watts of halide light is far to frequent, if the tank were left unattended for a couple days the water level would drop exposing the cheato. An ATO will solve this problem.

The custom media rack will fit into the middle chamber dividing it into two sections. THe first section will be a ladder type setup forcing the flow to fall down through two bags of media.
A baffle separating section one and two will direct the water back up into the refugium section allowing the water to flow back down through the cheato naturally.

Zoanthids, and mixed sps frags will be added to the system periodically for the next few months while the constant coral growth will eventually fill the reef.

Although growth and color is great with the 14k XM bulb, a bulb with a 20k temperature will be replacing the bulb in an attempt to bring even more vivid coloring to the system. With no actinic bulbs the use of a 20k light will be acceptable middle ground for coral lighting.

All in all the system is stable purely based on the diligence and patience applied in the maintenance and initial setup process. The upkeep of additives, coral feeding, and 10% weekly water changes has been with out a doubt essential to the progress of all species in the system.


The Look Pt. 2

Some coral was added... some recent pictures... thanks to Ryan at Aquatic Kingdom in Mississauga for the great prices... that is all.


The Look

Here are several photographs taken quite recently. They show some of the overwhelming color one can see when observing the aquarium. Parameters are now stable and significant coral growth is already apparent on all species. Specifically the SPS frags are growing at a rapid rate.

The photos are taken under a 14k XM Metal Halide Lamp with a digital SLR no other lighting supplements are present...


The Oscillaris Pair

Due to the exceptionally stable conditions of the Nano system, and the need to finally shut down, and sell the 55 gallon "transferee" system, two paired Oscillaris Clownfish were recenty added to the Biocube.

The drip acclimatization method was used to delicately, and patiently prep the two fish for the switch. With Salinity and PH relatively exact in each system, and virtually no traces of Ammonia, Nitrite or Nitrate in either of the water columns, the fish adapted quickly to the new, smaller space. The Clowns indulged immediately among the wavy tentacles of the purple torch coral which resides in the center of the aquascape.

By "hosting" in the animated Torch, the Clowns offer the same gratification as if they were in an anemone, without all the dangers of housing one in such a compact system.

The fish have been in the system for three days with no sign of a small re-cycle, and no change in water parameters. The two tank-mates will be fed minimal portions every other day on a mixed diet of Omega One flake food and rinsed Mysis shrimp.

The paired Clownfish will be the only addition of fish for a indefinite period of time, as coral addition, collection, and propagation is the primary focus of this reef system.


The Moonlight

Adding moonlighting to any system with a suspended HQI pendant can be a difficult issue. Although some may argue the "nightlife stimulus effect" is essential to any reef ecosystem, the actual beneficial properties of LED moonlights is very unclear to aquarists, and is heavily debated. With this in mind the choice to subtly light this Nano system throughout the night was purely based on aesthetic preference while catering to the practicality and desire of late-night marine observation.

Making a choice purely based on aesthetic preference then poses the problem of how to make such an addition to the system while keeping the equiptment placement discrete, simplistic and visually appealing.

To solve this problem a single coralife 1 watt LED moonlight was mounted directly to the hanging Metal Halide Pendant with a 125 degree bracket. The bracket was mounted to the pendant with the stock screw which was already in place holding the Halide light's framework together. The slight angle creates a diagonal beam that falls on the aquarium contents much like a beam of moonlight from a single direction in the sky.

By mounting this light to the rear of the pendant it is undetectable from the front of the system completing the requirements for a discrete equipment modification. This add-on now enables the contents of the Nano system be seen all night in a distinct blueish glow.

Regardless of whether or not these LED choices will encourage coral spawning and growth while stimulating nocturnal species, the addition of a LED moonlight is essentially a welcomed perk as the 29 Gallon Cube now has a visual pop during the late night twilight and into the early hours of the morning.

The Stability

For such a young system, the aquarium is still exceptionally stable. Even after several frags and colonies of coral were added, Nitrates have remained at zero for the week with no sign of any parameter swings. There is virtually no algae growth and the water is crystal clear. If the system maintains its stability for a few more days a pair of clowns will be added which again will increase the bioload.